Liquidity Bootstrapping Program

Help bootstrap liquidity on Bloom, and get rewarded with boosted Blast Gold and Bloom points. Our liquidity bootstrapping program ended on 31st March, 12pm ET.

Note: liquidity bootstrapping program ended on 31st March, 12pm ET. All new LPs can earn Blast Gold and Bloom points as mentioned in our USDB Vault section!

Deposit USDB - Earn NFTs and Triple Points !

We have a unique and fun liquidity bootstrapping program for holders of USDB. Your USDB natively generates 15% interest a year, however, depositing on Bloom multiplies that yield by 5-10x!

Our goal is to align long-term LPs with the protocol, which is why we've designed our bootstrapping mechanism to ensure every LP earns boosted yields, but long-term LPs earn the most yield.

How does it work?

All LPs on Bloom can deposit USDB and start earning points. However, showing a commitment to lock your capital on Bloom allows you to earn NFTs with extra perks and utilities! Earn boosted points for as long as you lock (max 180 days). Here's how it works:

Tier NFT RequirementBase Benefit Duration



Deposit any amount of bUSDB into the protocol. No need to lock.

Earn Blast Points, and 1x (Blast Gold + Bloom points)

N/A (every LP deposit earns 1x points)


Bloom Grinders NFT

Deposit and lock >=2,500 bUSDB for 30+ days.

Earn Blast Points, and 2x (Blast Gold + Bloom points)

Earn 2x boosted points for as long as you lock


Bloom Rebels NFT

Deposit and lock >= 10,000 bUSDB for 30+ days.

Earn Blast Points, and 3x (Blast Gold + Bloom points)

Earn 3x boosted points for as long as you lock.


Bloom Kick-flippers NFT

Deposit and lock >= 25,000 bUSDB for 30+ days.

Earn Blast Points, and 4x (Blast Gold + Bloom points)

Earn 4x boosted points for as long as you lock.


Bloom Overlords NFT

Deposit and lock >= 50,000 bUSDB for 30+ days.

Earn Blast Points, and 5x (Blast Gold + Bloom points)

Earn 5x boosted points for as long as you lock.

Note (Duration): Point boosts only apply to the lock duration. After the lock ends, LPs get regular points (1x point boosts, same as every other unlocked LP). Maximize your points by locking more USDB for longer !


Early Unlocks

The liquidity locking is actually considered a soft lock. This means LPs can technically unlock their USDB early, but will incur a fee for doing so. This approach provides LPs more flexibility while keeping rewards fair for other protocol LPs, especially to LPs that did not lock. The unlock fee is currently set to 10%.

Example: An LP locks their capital for 180 days. At the 90 day mark, they choose to unlock their capital. They can do so at a 10% fee. Choose wisely before locking your capital !

Last updated